Now that we’ve demystified the enigma that is end-user computing, let’s talk more about why it’s so cool. Seriously. In my opinion, saving people time, energy, and money, while affording them small freedoms along the way is pretty cool. In the spirit of being concise, let’s talk about the key benefits driving business value. Let’s face it, you just want the scoop on achieving your organization’s desired outcomes around virtual desktops. And I’m here to give you just that. In this blog, I’ll talk about the top three benefits of end-user computing.
Centralized Management
When you think about the sheer volume of desktops in an enterprise environment, it’s easy to see how management can be a daunting task. Imagine updating each individual workstation with new software applications. It would literally take weeks and a dedicated team of IT professionals. Not sure about you, but there are a number of more important things I’d rather have my IT staff working on.
End-user computing solves this problem for you with centralized management. Install and scale your new applications, manage the OS, and provision new users from one place. Tell me, where else can you publish apps, updates, and security patches to users with just one click? Don’t worry…I’ll wait. Long story short, centralized management of your desktop fleet is a priceless asset. It makes it immeasurably easier to manage a large number of desktops within your organization. Not to mention reduces the need for specialized IT resources on your staff.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Support
Traditionally, in organizations of all industries and sizes, when it came to telecommunications, devices were distributed by the employer. In an analog world this may have sufficed, but in today’s digital era, it’s a losing proposition at best. Employees and students alike want the freedom to choose their own device(s). They don’t mind sharing devices for personal and professional tasks — arguably it makes them more efficient at times.
And these benefits aren’t unique to businesses. Government agencies, non-profits/NGO’s, as well as educational institutions can utilize EUC technology. For example, schools have been leading 1:1 coverage initiatives to ensure students have a computer to use while in-class. Considering education budgets, end-user computing solutions give schools flexibility with students being able to use their own devices.
Secure End-User Environment
Ok, so we’ve covered how end-user computing technology enhances collaboration. But one area that’s often implied but equally underestimated is security. Though I can’t speak for all EUC solutions at large, I can confidently speak for the Nutanix portfolio. Our solutions allow you to access company data without storing anything on local devices. You can control access using modern authentication and authorization technologies.
From what we’ve seen in the market, this has been a primary challenge facing end-user computing projects. Unpredictable availability and security can be a major pain point. Constant failures and lack of a proper disaster recovery (DR) plan frustrate end-users. This also leaves organizations increasingly exposed to malware and security threats. Which is why Nutanix keeps end-users productive via a self-healing platform with easy 1-click DR and with multi-cloud support. We provide secure access to desktops and apps with integrated network security.
Going forward…
I hope this gave you a snapshot of the huge potential there is with end-user computing technology. Again, this was just a snapshot and there will be several blogs to come in the series. If you haven’t already, be sure to bookmark the Nutanix Blog to stay up to date with our EUC learning series. Each week we will hit you with new content to help educate you on all things EUC. Stay tuned…
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