Nutanix Enterprise Cloud and Xi Frame’s Adventure: Be Excellent to Each User
by Kong Yang
Greetings, my excellent friends.
Digital transformation continues to be a top priority for CIOs because success equates to positive business outcomes. Ideally, the digital transformation journey enables frictionless consumption that ensures high levels of customer satisfaction alongside operational efficiency, agility, availability, and scalability, which leads to more customers and consumption their services. On their digital journey, an organization needs momentum — a combination of critical mass and high velocity as well as a starting point. And a foundational starting point is at the intersection of users, their apps, and their data aka the digital workspace.
Put them in the iron maiden.
At its core, a digital workspace can be delivered as software defined virtual apps or desktops like desktop-as-software or as a service like desktop-as-a-service. However, the digital workspace journey remains a choose-your-own adventure filled with complexities, costs, and countless choices. One can lose their way over time and space as one tries to cross the chasm to the economy of the new digital world. The business demands more. End-users demand more. Technology implementations demand more.
What does good look like when you’re simultaneously keeping the lights on, adopting new approaches and operational protocols, and struggling not to drown in the tsunami of the latest technology waves and service provider offerings? To find good, you have to minimize tech inertia and tech debt while crossing the chasm and establishing a foundation on the other side of the digital world.
Be Most Triumphant.
The concept of minimalist architecture is stripping everything down to its essential quality to achieve simplicity. Less is more. The essential qualities of a digital workspace to achieve simplicity are security, stability, and world-class support. A secure and stable digital workspace empowers an organization to focus on end-users, applications, and data. It also allows end-users to use the apps that they want and the data that they need. This solid foundation is integral to increasing the speed of integration and delivery. And world-class support is that assurance that when something fails, as it inevitably does in IT, you and your business won’t be left as dust in the wind.
Notice that essential simplicity begets further simplicity. Nutanix is simplicity. We make infrastructure invisible. For digital workspace, simplicity is 1-click and a service that doesn’t require a PhD in VDI or EUC. There is no need to pile VDI high and deep. Security encompasses fully encrypted at rest and in flight with the requisite compliance and governance. Stability means that the digital workspace just works from day one and is always getting better over time because it’s delivered as service. And Nutanix is the industry leader in customer support.
Nutanix is expanding hybrid cloud capabilities by empowering customers to deliver their virtual applications and desktops in the cloud of their choice, private or public. Xi Frame is a cloud-hosted, desktop-delivery service that enables Enterprises to deliver virtual desktops from public clouds like AWS and Azure. We’re announcing Xi Frame can deliver secure virtual desktops from a customer’s own datacenter.
With full AHV support, Xi Frame is now available to thousands of Nutanix customers globally and adds another service to Nutanix-powered private clouds. Organizations can now pick the best cloud environment for each VDI project and optimize their economics, security, and geographical reach. Virtual desktops can be simultaneously delivered via multiple clouds and managed via a single console for seamless control and administration; thus, providing a true hybrid experience.
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