Editorial Note: This exclusive post is written by Botmetric guest blogger, Kia Barocha.

If you think you heard and read a lot about DevOps in 2016, it’s not over yet. Gear up as there is much more expected in 2017. The key focus for DevOps in 2016 was to ensure security, enhancements and containerization. In 2017, there is a lot of noise about what will be the future of DevOps. Here is a look at what our thought leaders think (they definitely think that it will impact business hugely in 2017).

The main challenge, till date, for many professionals has been to clearly understand DevOps. Some call it a movement, while others think that it is a collection of concepts. If we were to properly define it, we would say that it is a combination of two terms, which are Development and Operations. Or as the definition goes, “it is a cross-disciplinary community of practice dedicated to the study of building, evolving and operating rapidly-changing resilient systems at scale.”

DevOps is a practice where operations and development professionals or engineers participate in the entire service lifecycle (which means starting from design to development and till the production support stage). It is a recipe of success through cultural shift. It is characterized by autonomous teams and a constantly learning environment. If you are ready for this adoption, it implies that you are ready to change fast, develop fast, test fast, fail fast, recover fast, learn fast, and also prep fast for product launches.

With DevOps businesses have experienced higher business value, better alignment with IT, helps break down silos, helps build a flexible and software enabled IT Infrastructure.

Let’s take a look at the DevOps trends that will really be dominant through 2017:

1. Large enterprises will adopt DevOps

The predominant trend, till now, has been that organizations have experimented with DevOps in small and discrete projects. Experts feel that in 2017, large enterprises will be more comfortable to adopt DevOps at large (at an enterprise-level). It will finally take the center stage. One of the key benefits that DevOps enables is enhanced collaboration between developers, QA and testing professionals, Operations personnel, people from business planning and security teams.

2. Focus on enhanced security

Not that the focus on security was not there earlier but given the way attackers are getting smarter and more sophisticated, there will be much more focus on unifying development, continuous security and operations efforts. 2017 will be the year, user experience and advanced security measures will go hand in hand.

3. Consolidation of DevOps tools

There are too many DevOps tools that are good for different aspects of meeting the requirements of the delivery cycle. Most of the tools that are available help to automate some aspect of the process of software delivery. Tools like Jenkins, Docker, AWS, GitHub, and JIRA are already quite popular in the market. In 2017, there will be an integration of all these tools to a selected few which can cater to all the requirements across the continuous delivery cycle. This can mean that the biggies might acquire the smaller DevOps companies, as well as start a journey towards NoOps to put their operations on auto-pilot.

4. Confluence of Big Data and DevOps

Just like IoT, there is a lot of critical information generated when software releases are automated. And again like IoT, this large volumes of data needs to be analyzed. There is a dire need to apply machine learning to all this data so that there is some actionable business reports, and way to predict failures, and manage the releases more effectively.

5. More support for hybrid everything

The market is dynamic and bigger organizations have legacy applications in co-existence with micro services, on premise cloud infrastructure — basically hybrid everything (which includes infrastructure, tools, processes, applications, etc.). DevOps, in that respect, is ready and can support multiple aspects of an organization’s hybrid existence.

If you wish to focus on software innovation, and accelerate release of application updates, look at DevOps as an enterprise-wide investment.


Guest Blogger’s Profile:

Kia Barocha is a content marketing strategist at ISHIR, a leading Dallas-based software development company, offering high-quality Mobile App Development, Web Design & Development, Cloud Computing Solutions and Application Virtualization Services to the clients across the globe.




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